NC (voiceover): So they join forces to stop the easily defeatable stuntmen. [Chuck Norris and the teenager kick around them, not really hitting anyone] You know, that only works if you hit someone, guys... I especially love this one ninja who I think was late on his mark. [a ninja is kicked in the face and falls very delayed] [NC as the ninja] Oh, I guess I should fall... [normal voiceover] So this epic battle of awesomeness simply has to be too good to be true! [pauses] And... Yeah, it is... [cut in the movie to the teenage boy in school] It turns out it was just a fantasy in a kid's head. And it happened quite often. The kid's name is Barry, an asthmatic who often catches himself daydreaming... [a girl walks into the picture] ...WINNIE!
daydreaming in the classroom 3gp